
Three-Color Jacquard Fake Fur  

Three-Color Jacquard Fake Fur

The faux-fur industry saw an opportunity. In the early `70s, E.F. Timme & Son, the NY-based manufacturer of [Timme-Tation" fake furs, launched an ad campaign attacking the fur industry. Doris Day, Mary Tyler Moore, Angie Dickenson, Jayne Meadows, and Amanda Blake gave quotes for one 1971 ad in New York magazine. [Killing an animal to make a coat is a sin," Day said. [A woman gains status when she refuses to see anything killed to be put on her back. Then she`s truly beautiful-" The products provided include artificial fur products made of artificial fur, artificial cashmere, woven fur, artificial fur for toy making, decorating, medical and industrial use, as well as and pure woolen products. Also, we provide artificial fur products of different technologies, for instance, regular printing, discharge dying, tippy dying, crumpled, steaming, sheared, jacquard, composite and coating Detailed Pro…