
API 16C 2inch FIG1502 hammer union  

API 16C 2inch FIG1502 hammer union

The spherical joint processed by high-precision CNC machine tools and the LP thread processed by foreign special tools are reliable guarantees for high-pressure sealing; the wing nuts are processed by CNC machine tools without undercuts, so that the product has good strength and high pressure; welding The material of the union and the size of the welding groove meet the requirements of the APISPEC16C specification; the union used in the sour environment is strictly designed according to the American NACEMR-01-75 "Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Materials for Oilfield Equipment" and the American Petroleum Institute APIRP-14E Standard manufacture.The hammer union is widely used in the connection of high-pressure manifolds, whether it is connecting integral fittings and chiksan pup joints, or connecting chiksan swivel joints and hoses, it can be used.