
High Pressure Boiler Carbon Steel Studded Tube  

High Pressure Boiler Carbon Steel Studded Tube

Studded Tube Product Description: Studded tubes are a type of metal tubes. These tubes have studs welded onto the metal tube.These studs are arranged in a specific formation throughout the length of the tube.They are often used in boilers and refineries. As they increase the surface area for higher heat transfer they are used for reheating.   Studded Tube(Stainless Steel Welded Tube) Manufacturing Process: Steel studs are welded onto the base tube. Studded Tubes Type of Studs Cylindrical , elliptical or lens type.   Studded Tube(Welded Stainless Tube) Advantages: 1)Satisfying connection surface, little heat loss . 2)Welding connection rate higher than 90 percent. 3)No need of welding power, hardly any welding tumor . 4)Narrow heated zone on the surface, no melted pool, without destroying the tissue of basic tube. 5) Welding parameters are strictly  set to ensure th…