
Sleepwear Polyester Satin Spandex Floral Jacquard Fabric  


Sleepwear Polyester Satin Spandex Floral Jacquard Fabric

Sleepwear Polyester Satin Spandex Floral Jacquard Fabric Polyester satin spandex floral jacquard fabric is a type of fabric that combines the properties of polyester, satin, spandex, and floral jacquard designs. When these elements are combined, polyester satin spandex floral jacquard fabric offers a luxurious and elegant look with added stretch and comfort. It is commonly used for clothing items such as dresses, skirts, blouses, Sleepwear,and evening gowns. The floral jacquard designs add a touch of sophistication and style to the fabric, making it suitable for formal occasions and special events.