
Tiger's tail cherry powder  

Tiger's tail cherry powder

Code:C458 Name: Tiger's Tail Cherry extract Latin name: Malpighia glabra Appearance:  Light red powder Specifications: 10:1   17% VC Used Part: fruit MOA:TLC CAS No:16423-68-0   Packaging Details:0.5-5kg/bag is aluminum foil bag packaging, 25kg is cardboard drum, lined with double aseptic bag or can be packed according to customer requirements. Tiger's Tail Cherry Cherry (scientific name: Cerasus SPP.) is a general designation of several plants belonging to the genus Cerasus and the family Rosaicaceae.There are only four kinds of cherry cultivated in the world,Cherry (Cerasus pseudocerasus (Lindl.) G. Don), European sweet cherry (Cerasus avium (L.) Moench.), European sour cherry (Cerasus Vulgaris MillTomentosa (Thunb.) Wall.)Mainly distributed in Europe, Asia and North America and other places.On mountain slopes, forest margins, thickets or grasslands.  …